According to Stocklytics.com, popular phone models Xiaomi and Samsung emitted the most radiation in 2024.

RELATED: How much phone radiation can your body tolerate?

The site’s financial analyst, Edith Reads, comments:

The growing pains of technology include radiation emission, which is solely contributed by the electromagnetic frequencies produced. The materials and technology used to make these phones affect the frequencies produced, hence calling onto tech companies to make considerable design choices to lower the risks associated with excessive radiation exposure.

The evolution of technology has gradually augmented smartphone radiation, much like the rising carbon footprint. Unfortunately, significant technology advancements bring with them the pains of associated radiation, and user-favourite brands, including Xiaomi and Samsung, are the most affected.

Xiaomi, in particular, presents multiple models that contribute significantly to this concern, amplifying user apprehensions.


The full story and statistics can be found here: Xiaomi and Samsung Smartphones Identified Among Top Radiation Emitters in 2024

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