By Anuoluwapo Ogunfuwa

When your coach writes, you read! You do not just read but ensure that you divulge every bit of information in the book (These were my words to my WhatsApp fam when I started reading this book, and that left me awe-struck!).

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A few weeks back, My friend Marozoka Oruame messaged Ibironke Yekinni™️ and mentioned how her book inspired her and after the chat, we were invited to her virtual book launch last Saturday.

Despite our busy schedules at work, we both challenged ourselves to finish ABC of software testing in a week then we did a little bit of review together.

Although, I had anticipated this book launch since the beginning of the year and was excited as the ABC of software testing landed in my hands.

I looked at the book with so much excitement, unlike every other book I read without reading the preface/introduction. I read every bit of word in this book without getting bored.

Quick takes on ABC of Software Testing 

These are a few things you should know about the book “ABC of Software Testing by Ibironke Yekinni”;

  1. SIMPLICITY: As someone who is coming from a health space into the software testing field, I would say that this book was written in the simplest form ever. The last time I remembered anything about the history of computers/internet was when I was in primary school. It wasn’t like I didn’t do any computer-related courses in secondary or university but when I first opened the first chapter of this book, it brought about old memories of taking computer courses in primary school and I can say that an 8-year-old would definitely understand everything that has been written in this book without any challenge. I feel it’s a book every parent should purchase for their children aspiring to go into the world of tech. Also, every school having it in their library would be an investment in the life of its pupils. She seamlessly explained the ages of computers by using something relatable like cooking meals with recipes.

In her words; “Just like a pot of stew needs different ingredients like vegetables, meat, and spices, the computer needs different parts to work” (I’m like, what does food have to do with a computer but you need to read this to have a detailed understanding about what she meant)

A book that feels so real

  1.   Less Jargon: The first time I read a software testing textbook, it was too much for my brain to comprehend so I had to start searching for less complex books to read. It took months to finish up the textbook and it took me working on the job, re-reading, and searching Google to grasp what the writer was trying to explain. Just so much information that can get you confused.

However, from the ABC of software testing, I loved the way Ibironke had explained how the level of testing (alpha & beta testing, regression, end-end testing, etc) is different from the types of software testing (functional, usability, performance, etc) and how testing methods (manual and automated testing) shouldn’t be categorized as types of software testing (which I feel majority are guilty of this). This book felt so real that I felt like “Where have you been all this while” (you would literally see manual testing and automation testing as types of software testing).

Also, I loved the fact that she explained test artifacts in a well-detailed manner with samples of what a test case and test script should look like. If you are wondering how to write a compelling CV for job opportunities as a software tester, this is your go-to book. Ibironke did pour her all into ABC of software testing.

Your go-to book to understanding software testing

If you are just transitioning or aspiring to be a software test analyst and quality assurance engineer, this is your go-to book to understand software testing in the simplest form ever.

  1.   Career opportunities: I heard someone mention that there is no career in software testing and they don’t know where to proceed from here. Ibironke mentioned the career paths you can venture into beyond software testing (from project management to business analysis to software development and much more). If you aren’t sure if software testing is the right track for you, then you can gain more knowledge on the path to venture into from this book.
  2.   Challenges: No one prepared me for the challenges I would experience as a software tester. I wish I had read that sometimes you can get frustrated on the job and this is the way to manage your frustration. I had to learn it on the job. I always wished someone would really write/talk about the challenges testers face and I am glad that this book does not just point out reasons why this career path is a great one but also points out the challenges ranging from changes in the requirements, pressure to deliver (little time to carry out quality testing) and much more.

Why collaboration and effective communication matter

I ventured into this career path thinking that I had to fight with the development team but with much wisdom from the testers event that was hosted by Ibironke this year, I figured out that collaborating and effective communication with the dev team makes the product’s dream a reality.

5. Demystify the myths:  I wonder how many people have ventured into tech because someone sold an idea to them that they will be paid an armed robber salary without years of sacrifice trying to be a professional at the skill. There are so many myths to uncover and one statement that sounds profound to me is;

“Tech is not a get-rich-quick scheme nor an advance fee fraud. It is neither the salary you make nor your smart home resources.  All these things and more are products of technology and not technology itself” – Ibironke Yekinni.

Find answers to all of your how’s of Software Testing

  1. What then is Tech?
  2. What exactly is software testing?
  3. How do I ensure the effective delivery of quality products on a stringent timeline?
  4. How do I overcome the challenges that come with being a software tester?
  5. How do I put my best foot forward and become a product quality assurance engineer?

You will find answers to all of your how’s through this book “ABC of Software Testing”

You can get yours here: https://testifyltd.selar.co/abcofsoftwaretesting


Profile photo of Anuoluwapo Ogunfuwa

Ogunfuwa is a Leadership Coach | Software Tester | Scrum Master | Writer


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