By Oluwatobi Opusunju, an online marketplace for health and wellness professionals has launched in Nigeria to enhance real-time access to wellness solutions and quality healthcare in a country of over 190 million people where more than 90% of the population struggle to access healthcare services.

The platform is inspired by the third leg of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to ‘ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.’ is leveraging technology to bridge the gap that exists in the health sector. It offers a digital marketplace for healthcare experts including physiotherapists and other medical specialists to meet those who need their services via a mouse click.

“ is the first online market place for health and wellness services in Nigeria. The idea behind the platform was to fill a gap we discovered was inherent in the health sector and the gap is how we can reach out to health and wellness professionals; a place where you can get connected to them easily online and book appointments for health services in real time,” said one of the founders of the platform, Chioma Ukariaku.

ADVERTISEMENT results from the creative efforts of three young Nigerians that include Femi Daniel and Ukariaku.

“The solution reflects a critical need area we have researched into. Many Nigerians cannot access health services not necessarily because they cannot afford it but because they don’t even know where to start from and who to meet,” said Daniel. brings two categories of people together needing service and expertise in a secured and trusted environment to get health values, at reasonable fees from patients who require such services.

“We observed that a lot people have challenges finding professionals that actually deal with their health needs such as a physiotherapy case or a dieting nutrition case and it’s usually a case of someone -tell- me- who- you- know, so you ask and ask until you find one,” added Ukariaku.

“But we thought life shouldn’t be that difficult; if you can find an ecommerce site where you buy shoes and cloths without asking anyone, then you should also be able to get health and wellness professionals without breaking sweat and that’s what hopes to achieve,” said Daniel.


The service is currently available in three states which include Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt. There are plans to expand to other states in the coming weeks. For any enquiries or requests, contact [email protected]


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