Ministers and representatives of UNESCO’s 194 member states will meet in early February at the invitation of Director-General Audrey Azoulay and the Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob.

RELATED: AI: UNESCO calls on governments to accelerate implementation of ethical standard

The global forum is an opportunity to take stock of progress towards the global governance of AI and to discuss the national regulations countries are developing to ensure that this technology serves the common good. The meeting is scheduled for 5-6 February.

The UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, unanimously adopted by its Member States in November 2021, established the first global framework in this area. It also made possible the construction of global human-centered AI governance, which did not exist before.

Two years later, more than 50 States have used UNESCO’s methodological tools and expertise to assess their level of preparedness for artificial intelligence, in order to improve their national laws and policies.

During the 2nd edition of the Global Forum on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, the 194 Member States of UNESCO will report on their recent progress and current projects. They will also enhance their mutual cooperation by sharing their best regulatory practices to avoid an “AI Wild West” and to ensure this technology serves the common good.


On the first day of the Forum, around ten global private groups will sign UNESCO’s Recommendation committing to apply the ethical principles it sets outs. This approach is part of UNESCO’s action to mobilize the private sector in the implementation of ethical practices with the goal of building trustworthy technologies.

UNESCO will also launch a range of new initiatives including its  AI Ethics Experts without Borders Network – a global network of experts to support States and public policy-makers, its Global AI Ethics Observatory and its Women4Ethical AI platform.

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