
UNESCO and its Paris-based Chair for Digital Transmission, Innovation and Publishing (ITEN) will host a day-long conference, Blockchain: practices and perspectives, on 17 May at the Organization’s Headquarters.

The purpose of the conference is to take stock of advances in blockchain technology and draw up an inventory of first-use cases of blockchains. It will identify medium-term perspectives for the technology, in a wide range of disciplines at the center of UNESCO’s work on digital transformation, including education and science, artistic creation and copyright, territorial management and heritage, and democracy and governance. Focus will be given to exploring blockchain practices influencing the society, through the eyes of stakeholders and innovators.

The conference will begin at 9.30 am with interventions by Moez Chakchouk, Assistant UNESCO Director-General for Communication and Information, Ghislaine Azemard, Director of UNESCO Chair ITEN, Vice-President of the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme and Vice-President University Paris 8 (France), alongside Greg Medcraft, Director of Financial and Enterprise Affairs at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

During the morning, sessions will be dedicated to introducing the characteristics and functioning of blockchains, which allow for the secure, transparent preservation of data and records of transactions without intervention by central agents and intermediaries. During the afternoon, participants will focus on new applications with examples from many disciplines unrelated to the crypto currencies, with which blockchain technology is generally associated.

The event will bring together experts in computer and social sciences, the humanities, economics and law alongside blockchain project leaders from the public and private sectors. It follows on, and is informed by, a two-day Hackathon: Blockchain solutions for culture – creative workshops that was organized by the UNESCO ITEN Chair in April this year.


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