Tunji Alabi, MD, Infratel Africa,

Tunji Alabi, the Managing Director of Infratel Africa, emphasizes to IT Edge News the crucial role of connectivity infrastructure as the cornerstone for delivering digital transformational services, particularly in underserved and unserved communities across Nigeria. He elaborates on Infratel’s initiatives aimed at catalyzing transformative change in enhancing the quality of life and unlocking economic opportunities within its operational areas.

How do you envision the future of connectivity service industry in Nigeria and what role do you see Infratel Africa Limited playing in shaping this future?

Connectivity in underserved and unserved communities in Nigeria provides the potential for transformative change in the quality of life and economic opportunities for these dwellers. The provision of infrastructure is the foundation and bedrock on which digital transformational services can be delivered.

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It is through the deployment of connectivity in rural communities that one can begin to bridge the digital divide between urban and rural communities. It is also an avenue for bringing close to 48% of our population into the formal sector by the introduction of digital initiatives such as banking, healthcare, power, education, government services to mention a few.

Currently, Infratel Africa partners with government, MNOs, and local communities to deploy connectivity infrastructure within these unserved and underserved rural communities. With a mission to transform and significantly improve the quality of life in Africa through the deployment of technology solutions, Infratel Africa currently have deployed over 150 digitally connected communities in Nigeria.

Infratel Africa have deployed the following innovative digital solutions in these communities: Agency Banking; Telemedicine Service; E learning solutions for digital literacy, targeting women and youths; Off grid Power solutions using renewable energy; Solar based cold rooms for crop and produce preservation in farming communities; and Smart Wifi solutions that provides internet access to all.

How is Infratel Africa Limited leveraging emerging technologies to expand access to reliable and high-speed internet in remote region?


Infratel Africa has deployed all the above stated innovative digital solutions in these communities. In developing these solutions, Infratel goes through a rigorous geomarketing and design / dimensioning process within each community, to ensure that its portfolio of innovative digital solutions is fit for purpose and value for money. Infratel Africa continuously monitors and evaluates the impact of its solutions and makes adjustment where necessary.

What initiatives does Infratel Africa Limited undertake to develop the skills and capabilities of its workforce, particularly in rural areas?

Infratel Africa has employed over 300 individuals who reside within its digitally connected rural communities. Developing the skills and capabilities of the workforce, especially in rural areas, is crucial for sustainable growth and development. Infratel Africa Limited implements several initiatives to build and nurture local talent, ensuring that the workforce is equipped with the necessary skills to support and sustain the company’s operations. Some of these initiatives are as follows: –

  1. Digital literacy programs focused mainly on women and youths.
  2. Training and development programs which offer comprehensive training programs for employees, including technical, operational, and soft skills training. Tailor these programs to the specific needs of the local workforce, covering areas such as network maintenance, customer services.
  3. Apprenticeship and Internship Opportunities that offer local young people opportunities to gain work experience and learn from seasoned professionals. These programs serve as a talent pipeline for the company.
  4. Partnerships with Educational Institutions which collaborates with local schools, vocational training centers, and universities to develop specialized training programs and offer scholarships or sponsorships. This strengthens ties with the community and ensures a steady flow of skilled workers.

Deployment of connectivity in rural communities bridge the digital divide between urban and rural communities bringing close to 48% of our population into the formal sector by introduction of digital initiatives in banking, healthcare, power, education, government services to mention a few.

How is Infratel Africa Limited exploring emerging technologies such as satellite internet, LEO satellites, and wireless broadband hold to enhance rural connectivity and address infrastructure challenges?

Infratel Africa explores emerging technologies such as satellite internet, LEO satellites, and wireless broadband to enhance rural connectivity and address infrastructure challenges. Some of these technologies are as follows:

  1. Smart Wifi which is a satellite Internet hotspot service within the community that offers a broad coverage area and provides connectivity to rural and remote locations where other forms of internet are not feasible. This is achieved by partnering with satellite internet providers.
  2. Utilizing advanced wireless broadband technologies such as 4G LTE significantly improves connectivity in rural areas. These technologies provide high-speed internet access to users, especially in regions where wired infrastructure is limited.
  • Conducting pilot projects and trials in specific rural areas allows Infratel Africa to assess the effectiveness of emerging technologies in different environments. These trials provide valuable insights for scaling up successful solutions.
  1. Infratel Africa combines different technologies to create a hybrid approach that maximizes coverage and performance. For example, using satellites technology for backbone connectivity and wireless broadband for last-mile connections.

Implementing these emerging technologies, Infratel Africa bridges the digital divide and enhances rural connectivity. This not only benefits the company’s business but also empowers rural communities with access to high-speed internet, opening up new opportunities for education, healthcare, and economic development.

What steps does Infratel Africa Limited take to promote sustainability in its operations and infrastructure deployments in rural Nigeria?

Promoting sustainability in operations and infrastructure deployments is essential for Infratel Africa Limited to ensure long-term viability and positive impact, both environmentally and socially, in rural Nigeria.

Here are some steps that Infratel Africa takes to promote sustainability: –

  1. Infratel Africa uses renewable energy sources to power its network infrastructure using such as solar, wind, and hydro power. This removes the reliance on fossil fuels and eradicates the carbon footprint on our operations.
  2. Infratel Africa uses energy-efficient equipment such as advanced network hardware with low power consumption, reduces overall energy use and operational cost.
  • Optimize network infrastructure and operations to reduce redundancy, increase efficiency, and minimize energy consumption.
  1. Incorporate green building practices when constructing new facilities, such as using locally sourced and sustainable materials, and designing energy-efficient buildings.

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