Charges against Binance executives dropped by Nigerian tax authority

Today, American citizen Tigran Gambaryan returned to the United States to reunite with his family, following eight months of detention in Nigeria. The charges against him, brought by the Nigerian Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), were officially dropped in an Abuja court yesterday.

RELATED: Nigeria drops money laundering charges against Binance executive due to health and diplomatic pressure


The EFCC prosecutor explained the decision, stating, “The government has reviewed the case and, considering that the second defendant (Mr. Gambaryan) is an employee of the first defendant (Binance Holdings Limited), whose status in the matter has more impact, and also taking into account critical international and diplomatic reasons, the state seeks to discontinue the case against the second defendant.”

Gambaryan was released from Kuje prison last night, where his health had significantly deteriorated during his time in detention. Now back in the U.S., he will finally be able to access the medical treatment he urgently needs.

Family Expresses Relief After Long Ordeal

Following Gambaryan’s release, his wife, Yuki Gambaryan, expressed relief and gratitude in a statement: “It is a huge relief that this day has finally come. The past eight months have been a living nightmare. I wish it hadn’t taken this long for his release, or that his health had not declined so much, but we can now focus on healing as a family.”

She extended her appreciation to the U.S. government for its role in securing his release and to all those who supported them during the challenging period. “There were moments I feared this day would never come, but Tigran’s supporters gave me hope and strength,” she added.

Focus Shifts to Recovery

Gambaryan’s return marks the beginning of a new chapter for his family, who are now prioritizing his recovery. “The road ahead for Tigran’s recovery is going to be difficult, and I appreciate us being given the time and space to focus on that,” Yuki Gambaryan noted. “Our children cannot wait to see their dad again.”


Gambaryan’s release brings to an end a tumultuous period marked by legal battles and concerns over his health. The case had attracted significant attention, with advocates calling for his release on humanitarian grounds. Now, as he embarks on his journey to recovery, his family looks forward to rebuilding their lives together.

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