8th AFA

Forty-three leading global investors from Africa, Europe, US and the Middle East have signed up to participate virtually in the 8th Angel Fair Africa on 5th November 2020.

The investors are from Angel Africa List (AAL), Africa Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (AVCA), America Capital Association (ACA), Women-In-Capital (WIC), Viktoria Business Angel Network, Brightmore Capital, amongst others. Asime Partners and MSM Property Fund are supporting the investor participation.

The ten selected ventures to pitch to these investors have gone through our one-month Africa Virtual Accelerator (AVA) @ https://www.africavirtualaccelerator.com/in.php.They are, ShopMeAway led by Racine Carr;Kalpay led by Ibrahima Kane;AgroInnovaled by Amos Narh;Adi&Bolgaled by Abimbola Oladeji;Kladikaled by Muthoni Mwangi; Gift Pesaled by Pamela Muriuki; Ejoobiled by SimangeleMphahlele;Kweza led by RopafadzoMusvaire, Afrijob Network led by Harriet Kariuki andCuracelled by Henry Mascot. Their participation is supported by Google, Impact Hub Dakar, CTIC Dakar, MEST Africa, StartupBootcamp Africa, Viable, Adei Institute and iHub.

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Abimbola Oladeji of Adi&Bolga said “AVA was a truly intense month-long accelerator experience, packed with lots of learnings and insight delivered by mentors with diverse backgrounds in the startup ecosystem. I’m grateful to have been selected to be part of this cohort and I’m excited for pitch day next week”.

Pamela Muriuki of Gift Pesa said “My experience at AVA has been a serendipitous encounter. I have discovered new use cases for theGiftPesa platform. The new use cases have more than tripled our market size – this is brilliant.Am now feeling prepared to meet investors with confidence.”

RopafadzoMusvaire of Kweza said “My AVA journey has been a very engaging and relevant learning opportunity that has also given me access to an incredible network of players in the Africa tech ecosystem.”

Racine Sarr of ShopMeAway said “Focused and well structured! AVA program made me go through all vital parts of my business again but this time with the help of world-class experts.Unlearning and re-learning super-fast, October has been more hot than usual. Thank you, AVA.”

Sewu-Steve Tawia, Head of the Asime Partners family office said, “we have followed the momentum developed by the event despite the COVID pandemic and are happy to help bring the investor community together for what promises to be the best of its kind event in a virtual environment”.


Musi Skosana, CEO of MSM Property Fund observed that “the increased participation of female investors and entrepreneurs in the event signaled a welcomed change in the state of affairs regarding gender parity and the beginning of a new era of female entrepreneurship”.

According to Angela Akua Asante, Founder of TITA Productions, she is excited to be the MC for this year’s event as she is impressed with the caliber of investors and entrepreneurs who are going to pitch as well as constitute the panels for the event.

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