
By Chinedu James

The number of active subscribers for internet services in Nigeria increased to 104.6 million in August 2018 as against 103.6 million recorded in July of the same year, the Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC) has revealed in the monthly industry statistics posted on its website.

The new figure indicated an increase of 956,564 subscribers underscoring the country’s drive toward the Internet of Things (IoT).

According to the statistics, Airtel, Globacom and MTN all witnessed an increase in internet subscribers with only 9mobile the only loser. MTN Nigeria gained the highest number of subscribers with 39,459,642 despite the current crisis with Nigerian authorities. Airtel with 27,508,240, Globacom followed with 27,418,767, 9mobile still battling with its takeover by Teleology holdings had 10,241,693.

NCC further revealed that the number of active mobile line declined from 161,792,917 in July to 160,886,485 in August. Teledensity for August was 114.92% as against 115.57% in July, recording a decrease of 0.65%. Teledensity is the number of telephone connections for every 100 individuals living within an area.


The Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) for active mobile subscribers was 119,008 in August compared to 125,444 in July, showing a decrease of 6,436.

The fixed wired/wireless for active mobile lines in August was 140,806 compared to 140,582 in July, an increase of 224. The number of Voice Over Internet Protocol was 105,678 in August as against 101,131 in July, showing an increase of 4,547.

Increase in Connected Lines

The statistics also revealed that the number of connected lines in August was 240,432,680 million compared to 238,219,577 million in July, recording an increase of 2,213,103 million.

The CDMA for connected lines in August 247,983 against 246,126 in July showing an increase of 1,857. The number of fixed wired/wireless for connected lines in August was 351,103 compared to 350,998 in July, indicating an increase of 105.



Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) connected lines in August was 690,042 while in July it was 667,763, indicating an increase of 22,279.

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