Mr. Abdul-Hakeem Ajijola, Executive Chairman, Consultancy Support Services Ltd., a cyber-security &ICT consultancy firm in Abuja has been appointed as a Commissioner of the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (GCSC) https://cyberstability.org/commissioners/ with Secretariat in The Hague, The Netherlands.


The GCSC aims to promote mutual awareness and understanding among the various cyberspace communities working on issues related to international cybersecurity by contributing to an essential global task: supporting policy and norms coherence related to the security and stability in and of cyberspace.



Ajijola, who once served as Senior Special Assistant Innovation & Technology to the National Security Adviser to the President of Nigeria, joins other leading global figures at the GCSC. They include its Chairman, Marina Kaljurand, a former Foreign Minister of Estonia, with Co-Chairs Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and Latha Reddy, the former Deputy National Security Adviser of India.


In a Whatsapp message he sent this morning to his friends and colleagues, Ajijola said: “Please consider this as our collective opportunity to voice our perspectives and concerns as well as positively impact Global Cybersecurity thinking. I look forward to evolving mechanisms that will ensure that our collective perspectives are channeled appropriately.”


A highly versatile Ajijola has written extensively on cybersecurity and has equally made several public presentations on cybersecurity. He is a founding & Steering Committee member of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation – Computer Emergency Response Team (OIC-CERT); mentor to the African forum of Computer Incident Response Reams (AfricaCERT), instigator of the Office of the National Security Adviser Nigeria Computer Emergency Response Team (NGCERT); implemented the National Information Technology Development Agency Nigerian Computer Emergency Readiness & Response ecosystem (CERRT.ng); & member of the Nigerian Cybercrime Working Group.



He participated in drafting the 2001 National IT Policy, ICT4D Strategic Action Plan, National ICT in Education Policy & aspects of the Policy on Space Science & Technology; National Standards & Guidelines for e-Library in Nigeria; National Framework on Building Women & Youths Knowledge-Based Nation through IT. He also üprovides support to the Honourable Minister of Communications on Nigeria ICT Roadmap 2016-2019 and the Nigeria Information and Communications Technology Sector Strategic Plan 2016-2020.


He is resource person to the ITU Arab Regional Cyber Security Centre Oman; UNESCO on the “Feasibility Study on the development of a Virtual Library by Institutions of Higher Education” in Nigeria; ECOWAS Commission on the ECOWAS Wide Area Network (ECOWAN); South East Asia Regional Centre for Counter-Terrorism (SEARCCT) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; on Cyber Security in Countering Terrorism & Violent Extremism for the OIC headquarters, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


He has attended several programmes including Science, Technology & Innovation Policy at the prestigious Harvard University, & certifications from the MIS Training Institute, Massachusetts, USA in Large Scale Computer Forensics, Incident Response; International Security in the Interconnected World & The Forum on Information Warfare; including certifications on Digital Forensics with Forensics Recovery Evidence Device (FRED) by Digital Intelligence, Inc., USA; Universal Forensic Extraction Device’ (UFED) by Cellebrite; and with Cyber Security Capability and Capacity Building certification by Cyber Security Malaysia.


He has traveled extensively and has nurtured strong social capital in the private & public sectors as well as in academia and civil society.

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