NGO unwraps Talk2me app to save Nigerians from suicide

By Nwakaego Alajemba

‘Talk2m,’ a counseling application designed to tackle rising suicide and depression rates, particularly among young people in Nigeria, has been unveiled. The app was launched into the mobile app market this week by Centre for Corrections and Human Development (CCHD), a non-governmental organization focusing on assisting deviants to find meaning in life.

With the Talk2me app, suicide prone individuals could seek help directly and at no fee from a team of licensed therapist and counselors.

Talk2me offers a convenient window for people seeking psychological and even psychiatric help to reach out to experts and get free counseling and motivation, said Executive director of CCHD, Mrs. Obioma Evelyn Agoziem at the talk forum to unveiled the app.

The forum explore among others: the stigmatization and discrimination of ex-offenders; enforced migrants within and beyond the border and sought to sensitize people on the need to not discriminate against deviants.


People who have been reformed need to pick up the pieces of their lives and so require support not discrimination, said Agoziem while explaining that “CCHD has been operating as a non-governmental organization for six years, focusing on helping deviants in the society like sex workers, ex-offenders, enforced migrants, and drug addicts.”

Talk2me targets to reach out to people seeking counseling and guidance without the initial hindrance that physical interaction poses. People who are depressed or emotionally down can seek and get psychological palliatives from experts who can readily connect with their situations, said the CCHD boss.

With talk2me you do not need to go far or know somebody before you can get help, and also some people do not want to talk to people they know so their secret would not be out there, so they prefer talking to strangers but in this case you would be talking to licensed strangers who can help you.

To get on Talk2me, prospective users need to first download the app. Once done,  an automated message would ask the user questions that would help identify his/her need and then pair the person with a counselor or therapist for a virtual ‘share-to-heal’ session.

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