The Nigeria Data Protection Commission (NDPC) has announced the reopening of its registration portal for organizations interested in becoming Data Protection Compliance Organizations (DPCOs). This move underscores NDPC’s commitment to fostering a culture of accountability and transparency in data processing practices across Nigeria.

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The revamped registration portal, which was previously closed in 2023, is now ready to accommodate new DPCO applicants. NDPC operates under a robust Public-Private Partnership model, licensing private organizations to monitor, audit, and report on compliance by Data Controllers and Data Processors, as mandated by Section 33 of the Nigeria Data Protection Act, 2023. This unique model, exclusive to Nigeria, has attracted global attention from Data Protection Authorities.

Demand for DPCOs has surged

With an estimated 500,000 Data Controllers operating in Nigeria, the demand for DPCOs has surged. Currently, NDPC has licensed approximately 183 DPCOs, indicating substantial opportunities for additional partnerships.

Beyond regulatory compliance, NDPC aims for the registration of new DPCOs to serve as a catalyst for cultivating a strong data protection culture in Nigeria. By promoting awareness, conducting audits, ensuring compliance, and enhancing capacity-building initiatives, DPCOs play a crucial role in safeguarding individuals’ privacy rights. They also foster trust and confidence in the digital space and uphold legal and ethical standards in the data protection and privacy ecosystem.


Prospective DPCOs are encouraged to visit services.ndpc.gov.ng to begin the registration process.


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