The National Data Protection Commission (NDPC) said it is focusing on spreading privacy and data protection awareness and building capacity to boost the country’s digital economy.

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The Director General, NDPC, Vincent Olatunji, National Commissioner, said the overall aim of the commission is to foster a national culture of data privacy in a way that reduces breaches, ensure compliance and penalizes abuses.

Investigating nine firms

The commission is currently investigating “about nine firms from various industries for data breaches,” Olatunji said this week in Lagos at a training workshop organised for members of the Nigeria Information Technology Reporters Association (NITRA).

The training is part of awareness activities for stakeholders in Lagos that also included a workshop for licensed data protection compliance organisations (DPCOs).


According to him, the commission was already implementing a mid-term to long term approach to building capacities across sectors including the bank and finance industries to ensure compliance under the law.

The NDPC was already working with DPCOs to train data protection officers (DPOs) who are under the law mandated to manage the intricacies of data protection and privacy issues in any organisation whether private or public.

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