According to a CryptoMonday data presentation, Motorola phones depreciate very fast. Its depreciation rate stands above 85% per year.

Reacting to the research, the CEO of CryptoMonday, Jonathan Merry, had this to say. “Motorola One Hyper had the poorest performance of any handset traded during 2021. It lost an astounding 85.7% of its value over the year.”

He went on. “The Razr is similarly in a deplorable state, having lost 85.3% of its value over the previous year. The Motorola One 5G had a decrease in value of 83.8% and currently sits in fourth place. The trend shows how Motorola is quickly depreciating.”

LG and Motorola phones saw worst trade-in value depreciation

In  a related report by Android Headlines,  LG and Motorola devices have the lowest trade-in value. According to the report, trade-in values for phones from the two companies depreciated the most in 2021 and could explian why LG shut down its phone manufacturing business.

Trade-in trends

On the other hand, Apple’s iPhone is the most valuable smartphone. The brand took nine positions out of the ten most resold smartphones. The iPhone 11 assumed the first position, followed by the iPhone XR, and the iPhone 12 Pro Max took third place.


In contrast, Motorola had a lousy year in 2021. Three of their phones are in the top five most depreciated smartphones, having lost an astounding 85.7% of their worth.

The research also established that men would outnumber women in 2021 when exchanging their smartphones. Besides, the age bracket of 25 to 34 traded in the most in smartphones, accounting for about 28.04% of all trades. Furthermore, only 6.57% of traded technology belonged to those over 65.

Android vs. IOS

The iPhone 12 series performed the best considering all factors. CryptoMonday found that the value of the iPhone 12 Pro Max dropped by only 31.7% throughout 2021, which is an impressive accomplishment.

The Google Pixel 5 also did reasonably well. It appeared at position five among the top five phones with the least amount of depreciation.

Generally, IOS performs better in maintaining their value compared to android phones. Most androids have a high depreciating value, as the research revealed. Read the full story here: Motorola Phones Have the Highest Depreciation Rate of Above 85% pa


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