Meet Iledipo Michael, winner of ITedgeNews’ #Techmeetslove contest on Instagram. In the spirit of the love season, fans were told to participate in the #Techmeetslove by posting their couple-selfies on Instagram. 24 hours was allotted to each Contestant to generate likes on their couple-selfie, and the post with the highest likes wins! Out of several contestants who participated, Michael Iledipo came first and went away with 2 movie tickets and headphones for himself and his love.

Today, the management of ITedgeNews acknowledged Michael and rewarded him for his loyalty, actively following us and engaging with our content on social media.

Michael hails from Oyo state. He loves to sing, learn, impact lives and have fun. He aspires to study in the University of Ilorin and build a career in Political Science.



Michael appreciates great innovation.  He sees technology as fun and exciting. He disclosed to ITedgeNews that technology has helped him day to day in his everyday life and he says that “technology has made life easy for everyone to a large extent.”

He believes that people should never be under-estimated because they can become role models tomorrow. His favourite motivational quote is “Only I can change my life, no one else can do it for me” by Carol Burnett.

Do you want to win like Michael? Like us on Facebook, and Follow us on both Twitter and Instagram, engage with our content, and participate in our monthly contest across all platforms, and you might just be our next winner.

Don’t wait, act now.



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