
By Nwakaego Alajemba

The Yaba ICT Cluster project (KITE@Yaba) has commenced. A public-private partnership (PPP) initiative, KITE – acronym for Knowledge, Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship – is fostered round a support line of expertise and funding from the government and private sector industry experts.

KITE@Yaba targets innovation, market and money as Lagos strives to remodel its economy on technology leveraging on its huge population and market.

According to Lagos State Commissioner for Science and Technology, Mr Hakeem Fahm, the KITE@Yaba  hub will support the development of a technology cluster and ecosystem within the Yaba District of Lagos.

KITE@Yaba  is envisaged to cover 30,000 square metres of land in the Yaba area for an ICT Park similar to Internet City in Dubai, UAE.


Lagos is leveraging its position as Nigeria’s commercial capital of over 18 million people and home to several innovation hubs within the Yaba axis to further promote a sustainable tech and innovation ecosystem that involves a PPP think-tank and funding, said Fahm.

Lagos is currently working to further improve electricity and internet presence in a strategic move to enhance its attraction for offshore technology investors and innovators.

The KITE@Yaba project is designed round eight critical areas to drive tech innovation and entrepreneurship. They include access to funding; access to market and demand; policy regulation and governance; talent, skills and education. Others are infrastructure; research and development; network and collaboration; and advocacy and marketing.

Through KITE@Yaba , Lagos desires to be the ‘go-to’ place for the big global tech players, said Fahn. It also wants to be the nest for innovation and disruptive technologies.



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