future of work

How will the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0 impact on the labour market? What is the future for human workers in the face of the rising value of technologies that include machine-to-machine communication (M2M), the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and automation? How prepared is the labour market for this disruption? Join the conversation  here (http://bit.ly/LabourTech).

The European Union’s funded HubIT project will organise its Final e-Conference LABOURTECH 2021 – Industry 4.0 technologies and its impact on the labour market in collaboration with P.PORTO. The objective of this event is to discuss and understand the consequences of future technologies in the labour market, with special attention to the role of responsible innovation and the perspectives from organisations, employees and the society.

Technological advances can bring many benefits for our society with significant impact in the way we communicate, work and live. These advances had led us to the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0, where technologies, such as large-scale machine-to-machine communication (M2M), the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and automation have disrupted the labour market, making us more efficient, more productive and more cost-efficient.

But, would these advances make us more dispensable? Would they increase the control over employees’ performance? How will they affect the decision-making process of an organisation?

In LABOURTECH 2021, a look is given into the positive and negative impacts of future technologies in the labour market, and the role of responsible innovation in the Industry 4.0. comprising HubIT’s know-how and results acquired by the project during the last 30 months. 

For this purpose and in order to ensure a fruitful and insightful discussion, the conference brings together renowned speakers with different expertise. Some sounding names are Dr. Árpád Ráb – a futurist and cultural anthropologist from Corvinus University (Hungary), Mr. Rui Tocha – the General Director of CENTIMFE (Portugal) -, Marco Wedel – Political Scientist from TU Berlin (Germany) – and Ms. Marta Arniani – founder of Futurible and expert on technology impact (France).


Any person can participate with an online registration (free of charge). Participants will have the chance to make questions during the session and even to network online with other attendees.

  • To register to the free virtual conference, you just need to apply on the event page of the HubIT website available here (http://bit.ly/LabourTech).

AGENDA(times displayed in CET)
Download: https://www.hubit-project.eu/LabourTech2021AGENDA.pdf
10:00 – 10:05 | Welcome and introduction to the event
10:05 – 10:15 | Introduction to HubIT
→ Anneli Roose (Senior Consultant at Civitta Estonia and Coordinator of the HubIT project)
10:15 – 10:35 | Keynote speech: Future Technologies and the Impact on the Labour Market
→ Árpád Rab (Associate professor at the Corvinus University. Futurist, cultural anthropologist, ethnographer and sociologist)
10:35 – 10:45 | Q&A
10:45 – 11:45 | Panel Discussion: Industry 4.0 and the role of Responsible Innovation
→ Dan Podjed (Assoc Prof Dan Podjed, PhD, anthropologist & developer of planet-centred solutions, ZRC SAZU, IRI UL & University of Ljubljana)
→ Marco Wedel (Political Scientist and Senior Researcher at the Department of Work, Technology and Participation at the Technical University of Berlin)
→ Rui Tocha (General director of CENTIMFE, POOL-NET and European Tooling Platform)
→ Maria Teresa Pereira (Professor at ISEP and Director of the Post-graduation I4.0-Digital Transformation & Coordinator of the “Universities of the Future” project at P.PORTO)
→ Bendó Zoltán (Project manager of the Interreg Europe INNO PROVEMENT project “Translating Industry 4.0 to improved SME policy instruments targeting innovation)
11:45 – 12:00 | Q&A
12:00 – 12:35 | HubIT Standpoint: the conclusions from 30 months of work
European framework model: The HubIT Metropolis
→ Francesco Niglia (Responsible Research and Innovation Lab”, associated researcher at Link Campus University)
Responsible ICT research and innovation through inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation? Lessons from practical experimentations + Presentation of the winners
→ Robert Richter (Research Fellow at TU Berlin) & Thomas Blanchet (Researcher and Project Manager at NEXUS Institute)
Why SSH matter – the impact of SSH & RRI in ICT: Thoughts for the future in the era of Industry 4.0
→ Tal Soffer (Senior faculty; Head of the unit for Technology and Society Foresight; Head of the unit for Digital pedagogy -Virtual TAU (TSF) & HubIT Partner)
12:35 – 12:40 | Q&A
12:40 – 12:45 | Closing session with final remarks
12:45 – 13:30 | Networking Session

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