Jack Foster 21 terrifying cyber crime statistics

In August, we published CBN Plans New Security Measures Against Internet Frauds. Cyber criminals are not relenting and as the statistics show, crimes on connected devices are growing at a frightening pace forcing corporate entities to rework their online presence.

A reader and an expert, Jack Foster, writes to further raise alarm on the rising statistics of cyber crime and why proactive measures are important. He writes:

“It may not be a nice topic to talk about, but it is essential that the world is aware of the terrifying cyber crime statistics in 2018.

“Unfortunately, with technology on the rise, there’s more room for cyber crime in 2018. According to the Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2018, 43% of businesses were a victim of a cyber security breach in the last 12 months. In the U.S., the state of California lost more than $214 million through cyber crime alone.

“VPN’s are being used more and more in order to protect people’s privacy online (check the best VPN’s here). Though, despite being made aware of the risks of clicking a link, or opening an email, the figures show that attacks are ever increasing.


“With evolving technology comes evolving hackers; the world are not keeping up with the fight against cybercrime – and that’s scary!”

What are the telling signs? Here are some facts to note according to Foster:

“780,000 records were lost per day in 2017; Over 24,000 malicious mobile apps are blocked daily; 21% of files aren’t protected; Cyber Crime to cost $6 trillion by 2021; Healthcare industry ransomware attacks will quadruple;” and there are more!

Read the full report here:

21 Terrifying Cyber Crime Statistics



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