How to Move Out of the U.S.

Appears the escape bug with many Nigerians has caught up with many Americans too for a mix of factors as this report shows.

Americans are looking to escape—over the last three months, International Living has seen a surge of 504.97% in traffic around “How to Move Out of the U.S.” The five-fold increase offers evidence that more Americans are seeking out options for living better beyond the U.S. borders.


Since May 2020, International Living has seen a massive 504.97% surge in traffic to its “How to Move Out of the U.S.” coverage, which identifies the steps for successfully planning a move.  

“Americans are looking to escape. First, there’s the uncertainty surrounding the election, which drives people to consider a ‘Plan B’ should their preferred candidate lose. We saw this same trend in 2016, though to a lesser degree.” says Jennifer Stevens, Executive editor, International Living.

“This year, in addition, the pandemic has created huge financial challenges for millions of people whose jobs have evaporated. Worried about staying afloat in the States, it stands to reason that they’re looking right now to explore good-value places abroad where their dollars will stretch further.  


“Plus, it’s clear other countries have handled the COVID-19 situation better than the U.S. has. They are now opening up again while many parts of the U.S. seem headed for a second shutdown. I think that makes people pause and consider: Where would I rather be next time something like this happens? What places seem to have their act together?”

Though Americans face travel restrictions at the moment, eventually those will lift.

People searching for move-overseas information seem to be using this time at home to investigate their options. In greater numbers, they’re using search terms like, “moving out of the U.S.,” “I want to move out of the U.S.,” “moving out of America,” “how to leave America,” and “leaving America”—with the top search volume coming under the phrase “how to move out of the United States.”

International Living has seen a spike in interest in “move to” specific countries as well, among them Belize, Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Italy with traffic up as much as 798.01% over the last three months.

In the best-value places abroad, expats are able to lower their cost of living but raise their quality of life. 


“The bang for buck that can be had in some places overseas is really extraordinary,” says Stevens. “On a budget that would have you living hand-to-mouth in the States, you could live extremely well in a place where health insurance can cost less than $1,000 a year, you could have a housekeeper help you out three days a week for $135 a month, and rent on a furnished two-bedroom home could be $750 or even less.

“People may be seeking information on moving abroad because they feel pushed to do so right now, but once they see how far their dollars can stretch, I predict they’ll feel encouraged and excited by the prospects they have.”

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