Wearables like smart watches or Fitbits do far more than count steps. In fact, AI-enabled devices can prevent a heart attack, diagnose melanoma, lessen the frequency of asthma attacks and treat insomnia without drugs, explains biotech expert Harry Glorikian.

“Personal devices with sensors that can track and even diagnose medical conditions have been around for more than a decade. Hardware and AI have advanced so rapidly, however, that devices and their connected sensors can now accomplish feats that were inconceivable just a few short years ago,” he wrote in a recent article.

RELATED: Wearables shipments to exceed 200m units by 2024 – Juniper Research 

In his new book, The Future You: How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Can Help You Get Healthier, Stress Less, and Live Longer, Glorikian helps readers understand how to use technology (that they very likely already have) to create personalized healthcare experiences.

“The scenarios I’m going to describe in this book don’t just apply to someone with a rare condition or who is seriously ill,” he wrote in his book’s introduction. “These are examples of how everyone can take advantage of AI and data analytics to stay healthy, get diagnosed more quickly, and sometimes, save on healthcare costs.”

In The Future You, readers will discover


– The ways in which technology and AI are already impacting healthcare and what new technologies are on the horizon

– The new healthcare business paradigm and how to navigate it

– How AI is helping doctors diagnose different cancers more precisely

– How everyday people have used smartphone and smartwatch technology to reach their health and fitness goals — and sometimes to survive a health crisis

– How to use and leverage AI data to improve health in monumental ways


– How to use available tech to simplify healthcare scenarios such as doctor visits, managing one’s own health records, coping with chronic disease, broadening awareness about a specific genetic profile and much more

– How scientists around the world used AI to develop COVID vaccines and how AI will help scientists predict future outbreaks more rapidly

– And much, much more

Glorikian’s overarching message is clear: There’s quite literally nothing about health and wellness that won’t be utterly transformed by the power of AI. The Future You will show readers what’s coming — and what is already here.

“I want readers to feel inspired to see how they can use the technology they already have to make changes in their lives,” Glorikian said. “Maybe it’s as simple as using your smartphone to count your daily steps. Or maybe it’s downloading a meal-tracking app or doing a virtual reality workout. This book can be a roadmap to personalized health and wellness for everyone.”

About the Author

Harry Glorikian is a global business expert, healthcare entrepreneur, podcaster and author. For over three decades, he has built a breadth of successful ventures in the healthcare space, and he is well known for being at the forefront of helping invest in and grow innovative healthcare companies that are tackling groundbreaking areas of healthcare and biotechnology.  Glorikian currently serves as a General Partner at Scientia Ventures, a VC firm focused on upleveling companies that have the potential to transform healthcare.

He is also the author of MoneyBall Medicine: Thriving in the New Data-Driven Healthcare Market and the diagnostics textbook Commercializing Novel IVDs: A Comprehensive Manual for Success, and is the host of The Harry Glorikian Show podcast series. Visit https://glorikian.com/ for more information, or follow the author on Twitter (@HGlorikian) or Instagram (harryglorikian).



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