Data analyzed by Atlas VPN reveals that Google collects the most information about its users out of five selected tech giants – Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Apple.
The report shows that:
  • Google collects 39 data points per user, considerably more than other tech giants.
  • Amazon sources data about its user credit history from credit bureaus.
  • Apple is the most privacy-conscious company, with only 12 data points collected per user.
To see the full report, please click here.

Data analyzed by Atlas VPN reveals that Google collects the most information about its users out of five selected tech giants – Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Apple.

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Barely anyone has the time or patience to read through dozens of pages of privacy policies for each website. Here, we will provide an overview of the number and type of data points the aforementioned enterprises collect about their users.

The primary data was collected and made public by the Security.org team, which read through the privacy policies and extracted the data points. Atlas VPN summed up collected data points for each company to provide an easy-to-digest overview.

Google takes the top spot in regards to the amount of data collected as they log 39 metrics about each user.

In general, they collect every little detail that they can. There are a few exceptions, like your address, SSN, or driver’s license number, but besides that, not much else is left out of their databases.



For personal information, Amazon logs your name, username, password, phone number, payment information, shipping address, and email. Nothing out of the ordinary for the most part since it is an e-commerce website, but there is one caveat – they collect your social security number and driver’s license information.

Another interesting tidbit is that Amazon sources data about your credit history from credit bureaus.

To read the full article, head over to:




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