According to Stocklytics.com, PC market shipments plummeted by over 100 million units during the period, with 2023 culminating in a historic low for the industry. Global PC shipments fell from approximately 342 million units in 2021 to around 242 million units in 2023.

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The site’s financial analyst, Edith Reads, comments:

Shipment volume in 2022 and 2023 dwindled considerably mainly due to waning consumer demand for PCs in the wake of a detrimental economic crisis with inflations flaring up. This trend has raised concerns among manufacturers, suppliers, and analysts, who are now reassessing the future trajectory of the PC market.

PC sales in 2023 started their descent early, with the first quarter seeing a 29% freefall compared to the same timeframe in 2022. Global shipments slipped to 56.9 million units, reverting to pre-pandemic levels before the industry’s record-setting 342 million shipments in 2021. Unfortunately, the sluggish pace set by Q1 2023 sales carried through the year.

The full story and statistics can be found here: Global PC Shipments Drop by 100 Million Units Over the Past Two Years

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