Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos

By Oluwatobi Opusunju

You want to be world’s richest man? Be like Jeff Bezos, set up an Amazon. Meet the world’s ecommerce needs and become rich while the world shops online.  In Asia, Chinese’ Jack Ma, holds sway with the equivalent ecommerce platform: Ali Baba. Ma is a Chinese business magnate, internet and technology entrepreneur, founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, a conglomerate of Internet-based businesses. He is China’s richest man.

Globally, Bezos now rules as the world’s richest man after his net worth reached $105.1 billion this week on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, surpassing the record previously held by Microsoft founder, Bill Gates.

According to Bloomberg, majority of the net worth came as a result of a 6.6 percent rise in shares. Forbes also put the net worth of Bezos who also controls shares at Blue Origin and the Washington Post at $104.4 billion.

According to Forbes, Bill Gate is now worth $91.9 billion while Bloomberg put him at $93.3 billion.


The report stated that, the Microsoft founder would have still been worth far more than Bezos if not for his charitable contributions, largely to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

According to an analysis of his publicly disclosed donations, Gates so far has given away 700 million shares of Microsoft, worth $61.8 billion at today’s value as well as $2.9 billion in cash and other assets since 1996.

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