FirstBank has announced the launch of chat banking on WhatsApp. FirstBank customers can leverage the real-time messaging capabilities of the WhatsApp Business solution to check their account balances as well as perform simple banking queries.
The launch which took place this week in Lagos is in its pilot phase and is available to a select group of customers, after which it will be made available to all customers. Additional details on the solution would be provided in the coming weeks as customers are encouraged to keep interacting with the bank on its various social media channels for updates.
“Customers’ expectations are constantly changing and it’s our duty as a customer focused bank to ensure that our customers are provided with the means to carry out banking services through any channel they desire,” said Mr. Chuma Ezirim, Group Head, E-Business, First Bank of Nigeria Limited. “We are constantly seeking new ways and opportunities to meet customers at their preferred touch points and we understand our customers are actively engaged on WhatsApp.”
With FirstBank chatbanking on WhatsApp, it is not just about staying connected with friends and loved ones, but also keeping in touch with your bank anytime and anywhere you are.
About FirstBank
First Bank of Nigeria Limited (FirstBank) is the premier Bank in West Africa and the leading banking services solutions provider in Nigeria. With some 14 million customer accounts, FirstBank provides a comprehensive range of retail and corporate financial services with over 750 business locations. The Bank has international presence through its subsidiaries, FBN Bank (UK) Limited in London and Paris, FBNBank in the Republic of Congo, Ghana, The Gambia, Guinea, Sierra-Leone and Senegal, as well as a Representative Office in Beijing. Since its establishment in 1894, FirstBank has consistently built relationships with customers focusing on the fundamentals of good corporate governance, strong liquidity, optimised risk management and leadership.