Jelani Aliyu of NADDC

It is easy to talk about connectivity and that the world is now a global village, but what is it that is actually happening?

I strongly believe that what we are dealing with is the very evolution of human consciousness, never before experienced on a global level, to a level of civility and enlightenment that will forever change the interactive relationships within the human species and between us and the environment. And so nature will no longer be seen as a force to conquer, but rather as a medium to live in harmony with and sustainably draw energy from.

“Nigeria is at a cross roads: the decisions we take today will determine what becomes of us….We must nationally embrace the generation of renewable energy…. We must universally embrace the electrification of vehicles….We must embrace super advanced innovation at our universities and polytechnics.”

Yes, pockets of misunderstanding will continue, this being inevitable if not natural, but overall the human species will continue on an elevated level of consciousness, unity and environmental sustainability.

Jelani Aliyu of NADDC

Jelani Aliyu: ‘We are dealing with is the very evolution of human consciousness, never before experienced on a global level,’

If today countries with radical governments are the ones prone to international sanctions and hence hardship for their people, in the very near future it will most likely be those nations that choose to not adopt environmental consciousness and sustainability that would be penalized, sanctioned and barred from the rest of the advanced and progressive world.


Nigeria is at a cross roads: the decisions we take today will determine what becomes of us, we must push hard for very technologically advanced reforms in all sectors or perish.

• We must nationally embrace the generation of renewable energy.
• We must universally embrace the electrification of vehicles.
• We must embrace super advanced innovation at our universities and polytechnics.
• We must embrace large scale high tech mechanized agriculture.
• We must embrace modern, sustainable and climate compatible architecture for all.
• We must embrace the courage to succeed.

Jelani Aliyu, MFR, is Director General of National Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC).

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