Digital Future for all

The Broadband Commission​ for Sustainable Development, during its Fall Meeting, has called on governments, industry leaders, academia, and civil society to unite in supporting the upcoming UN Global Digital Compact. The meeting, held in New York just before the UN’s Summit of the Future, emphasized the urgent need for global initiatives to ensure a resilient, inclusive, and safe digital future. Both the Global Digital Compact and the Pact for the Future are expected to be finalised at the summit.

RELATED: Summit of the Future’s digital track to feature SDG Digital on 21 September at the UN in NYC

The Broadband Commission continues to prioritize universal broadband connectivity in global policy discussions, advocating for a multistakeholder approach. This collaboration, the Commission asserts, is crucial to addressing emerging digital challenges and leveraging opportunities across industries.

“How do we collectively harness digital technologies to protect, empower, and include every member of society?” posed Paula Ingabire, Rwanda’s Minister of ICT and Innovation. She emphasized the need for stronger partnerships between governments, industries, and academic institutions to ensure that digital interventions are intentional and inclusive.

Addressing critical digital challenges

The meeting addressed critical digital challenges, including the need to enhance digital resilience and infrastructure to withstand disruptions. The Commission highlighted the importance of cross-sector cooperation in strengthening crisis preparedness and response.

Carlos M. Jarque, speaking on behalf of Carlos Slim, Co-Chair of the Commission, noted, “Despite the telecom industry’s progress, the next era, driven by disruptive technologies, will require substantial investment in connectivity and applications, with a focus on energy efficiency and privacy.”


The Broadband Commission also introduced forward-thinking strategies aimed at fostering universal connectivity, advocating for a global framework that ensures equitable digital access while acknowledging the rapid evolution of technologies.

Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Secretary-General of the ITU, underscored the global responsibility: “Our work touches the lives of billions, offering the power of broadband to create positive change — now and for future generations.”

The Commission’s Working Group on Data Governance in the Digital Age, presented its ongoing project, “Data Governance Toolkit: A Roadmap for the Digital Age,” which provides practical guidance to governments and regulators for effective data governance amid evolving digital and AI landscapes.

The Fall Meeting precedes the Summit of the Future’s Action Day, which will feature the digital track, “A Digital Future for All,” and the SDG Digital event jointly organized by ITU and UNDP.

With over 50 Commissioners and global representatives in attendance, the Broadband Commission reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring meaningful, sustainable digital access for all.


Special guests attending this year’s Annual Meeting included:

  • Emma Inamutila Theofelus, Minister of Information, Communication and Technology, Namibia;
  • Dr. ‘Bosun Tijani, Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy, Nigeria;
  • Solly Malatsi, Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, South Africa;
  • Amandeep Singh Gill, the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology;
  • Professor Soumitra Dutta, University of Oxford;
  • Anna Ekeledo, Executive Director of AfriLabs;
  • Robert Muggah, Co-Founder, Igarapé Institute;
  • Nobu Okada, CEO of Astroscale;
  • Ibrahima Guimba Saidou, Interim CEO, Partnership for Digital Access in Africa;
  • Sally Wentworth, CEO of the Internet Society;

Earlier this year, the Broadband Commission released The State of Broadband 2024: Leveraging AI for Universal Connectivity, the first part of its annual The State of Broadband series. The report reviewed how AI solutions can accelerate progress on broadband advocacy targets aimed at getting everyone online and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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