The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO), will be convening its Digital Week – Cameroon from 16th to 20th October 2023 to be held in person in Hilton Hotel, Yaoundé, Cameroon.

The revolution in information and communication technologies has ushered the world into the digital era. As the world emerges from the environment of uncertainty precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, nations and organisations are evaluating their circumstances and adjusting their operations to ensure that they an thrive in an increasingly digital world. The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) has charted a new course to support its members’ digital aspirations. Digital Week – Cameroon is a week-long programme of interactive and engaging events.

16 October 2023
Executive Committee
A closed meeting, the CTO Executive Committee will review recommendations for consideration of the Council concerning the CTO’s strategies and policies; draft budget, workplan, annual report and business plans prior to submission of the 61st Council.

16 October 2023
Women’s Forum
The Women’s Forum will highlight the socio-economic gains made by women using technologies in both urban and rural settings. The event will celebrate the achievements of women in this sector and will consider access gaps, to close the gender divide, as well as addressing security for a safe and inclusive digital FutureScape.

17 October 2023
Ministerial and Parliamentary Seminar
Open to all Ministers of Government, members of parliament, and senior representatives of the ICT sector, this seminar will explain the imperatives for digital transformation, the preconditions and requirements of an enabling environment and the availability of appropriate technologies and effective adoption of ICT.


17–20 October 2023
Cameroon FutureScape
This immersive experience will portray life in a futuristic Digital Cameroon.

18 October 2023
Building Blocks for Cameroon FutureScape
This session will explain the building blocks and provide insight for making Cameroon FutureScape a reality.

19–20 October 2023
61st Council
Open to Representatives of Full Member Countries and other CTO members, the 61st Council will determine the broad policies and strategies of the CTO; examine and approve the CTO’s business plans, the annual reports and approve the plans for the next year.

19 October 2023
ICT Innovator’s Forum
Cameroon’s ICT innovators will be presenting their ideas, products and services at this Forum and experts will provide practical advice on business development.

19 October 2023
Youth Forum
Open to universities, schools and young people, this forum will promote productive, beneficial use of technology, and online safety.


Key Objectives

The objectives of Digital Week – Cameroon are to:

  • Convene CTO’s Executive Committee Meeting and 61st Council;
  • Immerse Cameroonians and other delegates in a futuristic digital Cameroon;
  • Raise the awareness of Government officials of the imperative for digital transformation;
  • Present and explain the building blocks for digital transformation;
  • Engage youth to promote productive beneficial use of ICT; and
  • Showcase the work of Cameroon’s ICT innovators.

View the Overview for the Digital Week – Cameroon which includes further details and registration information. Updates on the event will be made available at http://www.cto.int/events/upcoming-events.

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