Are we witnessing an emerging era of pulling down the anticipated digital promise? Before we delve deeper into the critical Pillars of this interrogation, first, I cordially invite us to  consider  and  imagine  the  possibility  that  we  are  currently  living  in  a  Nigeria  with  a population of one million people without technology champions and solutions?

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According to the United Nations, by 2050, our population will surge to 409million mouths to feed and people to develop. How do we educate our children, govern, develop and survive in an era  where syndicate-strangers organise in pulling down the scaffold of our collective digital promise? How  many  volumes  of  wasteful  but  economically  harmful  falsehood  would  be  enough  to undermine our IT bedrock – aimed to drowning the nation into perpetual penury?

Earth is perpetually driven by digital transformation

Indeed, at a time like this, when the planet Earth is perpetually driven by the centrifugal force of technology and digital transformation, the harm done by trading in technology falsehoods is capable of deaccelerating  and  setting  us  back  by  a  coefficient  of  time  measurable  to  100  years!

This consideration  becomes  more  contingent  if  we  factor  the  acceleration  of AI  at  the  speed  of Quantum computing! Now, lets get started. Under-development comes in many shades and colours – replicating the hidden layers of human attitudes, behaviours and impressions wrapped with the coloration of darkness!

These catastrophic crystals of negative human intuitions represent perhaps the most dangerous factor, hunting the foundation pillars of the anticipated IT development strategies, progress and benefits for our nation. Those benefits were earned through enormous sweat and tears. Meanwhile, those negative onslaughts – directed at the IT Community and Generation Next, were not only aimed to damage past achievements of the IT Industry.


Discrediting enviable track records of IT excellence by forerunners

But indeed, their mission aims to shut the doors of digital innovation to emerging vision-bearers and digital champions who aspire to anticipate and pursue technology innovation culture. They aim to discredit the enviable track records of IT excellence achieved by forerunner digital-dreamers along the value chain.

Currently, this visionless wind of underdevelopment is equipped and blowing with the tenacity to  do  harm  by  manufacturing  and  multiplying  the  trajectories  of  deformed  analogue development model. This phenomenon is not new but accelerating with particles of maximum danger. While  others  call  it  blackmail,  it  is  better  perceived  as  blindfolded  mind  trap  in  a whirlwind of digital ignorance.

Blindfolded Mind-trap is the unassuming part of creation that generates negative mindset and resulting into a selfish mind-trap! It becomes part of that misguided intuitions and notions that create the illusion that nations fall out of the sky, evolve and develop without being guided by Science, Technology,  Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Character of corporate blackmailers

Whereas,  in  the  past  50  years, gifted  professionals  and  vision-bearers  have  dedicated  their entire lives to anticipate, create and build the Nigerian Information Technology industry sector from ashes into enviable monument. Alas,  suddenly, unclassified  and faceless  Locusts have emerged to harvest and feast where they did not sow any seed. This is the character of corporate blackmailers.

Indeed, Corporate blackmail, also known as corporate extortion, refers to the parasitic practice of using embedded coercion, threats, or manipulation to extract concessions, money, or other benefits  from  a  victim,  company  or  organization. The  economic  and  national  development consequences of corporate blackmailers are very severe in many dimensions. And if not nipped in  the  bud,  it  can  create  far-reaching  and  damaging  consequences  for  the  sustainable development structures of IT in a developing economy such as Nigeria!


The  major  economic  consequences  include  but  not  limited  to  the  following  extraordinary impacts: Firstly, it fuels the creation of huge corporate investment crisis and loss. The critical dangers of corporate blackmail and/or parasitic whitemail are coated with the covert strings to discourage and indeed erode investment.

Painting the environment as unstable for sustainable business

This is achieved by, encouraging other investment companies to view the environment as unstable or unpredictable for sustainable business. Also, it reduces economic growth. The uncertainty and instability created by corporate blackmail can reduce economic growth, driving companies to delay or cancel investment and projects.

Furthermore,  it escalates costs of  doing  business. That means that such negative influences compel  companies  to  incur  additional  costs  to  mitigate  the  risks  associated  with  corporate blackmail,  such  as  hiring  lawyer  or  paying  ransom  on  demand.

It  also  leads  to  reputation damage which consequently leads to the loss of business patronage, customer trust and loyalty. Apart from direct impact on the affected business, it triggers negative national development consequences such as undermining the legitimacy and effectiveness of institutions, such as the judiciary  and  law  enforcement  agencies.

Corporate blackmail impacts foreign direct investment

Not  only  that, but corporate blackmail also affects foreign direct investment (FDI). Indeed, corporate blackmail do discourage foreign investment, as investors may interpret the business environment as unstable or unpredictable. It can also breed increased unemployment and institutional corruption.

This is especially true, where complexities of emerging technologies generate ambiguities for third-party decision makers at large. Ultimately, the attitude can develop into a cankerous worm that breeds elongated pressure points leading to a culture of bribery and permanent culture of corruption  as  panacea  to  make  other  concessions  to  avoid  blackmail  demands.

Informed sources  indicate  that  apart  from  fuelling  unemployment  in  fragile  economies,  corporate blackmail  can  easily  lead  to  social  unrest,  where  communities  erroneously  assume  that companies the affected corporate entities are not contributing their quota to the affected local economy. And by extension, that leads  to national  security risks  –  elongated as kidnapping business investors and their families – where some casualties may lead to untimely death!

There is an urgent need to educate the general public on the importance  and fragility of the digital promise. Such catastrophes can be mitigated by strengthening Institutions such as the judiciary and law enforcement agencies by advancing technology and digitalization knowledge to them to ensure and prevent this cancerous worm classified as organised corporate blackmail. Our digital promise must the protected at all costs by all of us – against all odds.

Chris Uwaje is a technology leader and accomplished business professional based in Lagos, Nigeria.

Chris Uwaje is a technology leader and accomplished business professional based in Lagos, Nigeria.


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