The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has opened its portal inviting startups and tech/innovation hubs to participate in the third edition of the Annual Innovation Competition with the theme Utilizing Indigenous Digital Solution to Bridge the Digital Divide.”

This is in “keeping with its strategic intent as encapsulated in the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy (NDEPS 2020-2030) pillar 8 “Indigenous Content Development and Adoption” is committed to promoting innovation for the sustainability and continuous development of the Nigerian Communications Industry,” the NCC’s Director – Public Affairs, Reuben Muoka announced this week in Abuja in a statement.

The winnin startups, innovation hubs have N4.5 million for grabs.

The annoucement further states:

The ICT Innovation Competition will be a medium for showcasing talents and innovations in ICT ecosystem. This is aimed at motivating and encouraging Nigerian youths to engage in innovative developments for the telecoms industry and improve the nation’s ability to compete in the global economy.

In addition, the Competition is designed to promote indigenous solutions to bridge the digital divide. The objective is to assemble Tech Hubs and Techpreneurs with solutions in respect of the theme to showcase their innovations and solutions.



Prospective Technology Hubs and Startups entering the competition are required to submit proposals that meet the following criteria for consideration:

  • The project should be relevant to the ICT/Telecommunication industry.
  • Interested parties should be duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria (CAC).
  • Proof of concept (feasibility of idea with diagram, algorithm, etc.).
  • Novelty of the project.
  • The pitch idea should demonstrate clear commercial sustainability and profitability framework.
  • Team diversity and indigenous capacity to develop and support the solution.

Application Guidelines

All applications should be ONLINE.

There is no cost to enter the competition and you will retain full control and ownership of your technologies.


Each team will register and submit the following documentations:

  1. 4-Page Executive Summary of the project concept
  2. A 5-7 minutes video of the pilot project
  3. Names, contact details, passport photographs and profiles of all team members.
  4. Website

Interested and qualified Startups should submit the above documents in a zip folder to: https://ncc.gov.ng/ictinnovation2023 The subject of the mail should read “Submission from <business name>” and the zipped file named after the business.


The ICT Innovation Competition will open from the 9th – 15th January 2023. Entering the competition is free. Please see more on the event schedule below.

Fifteen (15) Tech Hubs and Startups will be shortlisted to showcase their technologies to a Panel of Judges at the Digital Bridge Institute (DBI), Oshodi, Lagos Campus. Those shortlisted will be announced on the 23rd January, 2023.

The Tech hub and Startups with the best three Innovative prototypes will be awarded cash Prizes of N2 million, N1.5 million and N1 million, respectively. Consolation prizes will be given to the other competitors. Accommodation will be provided for the competitors for four (4) nights.

Key 2023 Dates

Date Stage
9th-15th Jan 2023 Applications open online
23rd Jan 2023 Shortlisted Tech Hubs bs and Startups announced
6th Feb 2023 Shortlisted Tech Hubs and Startups arrive DBI, Oshodi, Lagos Campus for a 2-day pitch
7th-8th Feb 2023 A 2-day pitch/ exhibition and grading of contestants by Panel of Judges at Digital Bridge Institute in Lagos
9th Feb 2023 Award of prizes/ Closing ceremony

Important Information/Notice

Applying for the Innovation Competition counts as a public disclosure of your idea. It is your responsibility to adequately protect your ideas before making an application.

Prior to applying, please ensure that you are satisfied with the level of protection for any ideas or materials included in the application. Please seek legal advice, if necessary. Failure to do so may affect your ability to protect your ideas in the future.

Applicants are not required to provide more details about their ideas than what is required in the online application form. However, providing insufficient details may affect the ability of the Panel of Judges to make a fair assessment of your application.

The deadline for submission of entries is the 15th January, 2023. Shortlisted applicants will be announced on the 23rd January, 2023.

Shortlisted applicants are required to be available at the Digital Bridge Institute (DBI), Oshodi, Lagos campus on the 6th February, 2023 to exhibit and showcase their solutions.

For further enquiries, please email: [email protected]   [email protected] [email protected]

An independent Panel of Judges will determine a First and Runner-up entry. The Judges’ decision will be final.

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