According to StockApps.com, Apple’s iOS saw an increase in market share worldwide in Q4’22 and now controls nearly one-third of the mobile device market.

Edith Reads, an analyst from StockApps, “Apple is gaining ground in the mobile market due to its focus on customer experience, innovative designs, and quality products.

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With the introduction of its new flagship iPhone 14 Pro Max, Apple has given itself a competitive edge and attracted more users to its platform. Android is losing market share in key markets like China due to its lack of innovation and fragmentation, which have caused customers to switch over to Apple.”

Android still dominates the market when it comes to mobile operating systems. Yet, Apple’s iOS is considered more user-friendly and has a broader range of apps available.

The full story and statistics can be found here: Apple’s IOS Gains Ground on Android in Q4’22 to Control Close to 1/3 of the Worldwide Mobile Market


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