By Agu Collins Agu, Phd
The Design of Unity Board Pro AIoT Platform (Arduino Compatible) is finally completed and ready for manufacturing!
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AI + IoT = AIoT: Artificial Intelligence of Things, Unity Board Pro AIoT Platform is where Superpowers of Innovation – Artificial Intelligence meet the Internet of Things (IoT).
By 2025, there’s projected to be 42 billion IoT-connected devices globally. It is only natural that as these device numbers grow, the swaths of data will too. That’s where AI steps in—lending its learning capabilities to the connectivity of the IoT. Without AI, IoT would have limited value. AI can multiply the value of IoT; conversely, IoT can promote the learning and intelligence of AI.
An important facet of the Unity Board Pro AIoT Platform is AI being done on the board in-situ, i.e. at the edge or Edge Computing.
By linking IoT with AI and machine learning, we can draw the right conclusions from huge quantities of data and react to these data in seconds.
Unity Board Pro AIoT Platform is an Arduino compatible, affordable development board that combines an ESP32-CAM Module. It still retains all the previous features of Unity Board while adding some powerful new features & specifications:
Onboard ESP32-Cam Module, 32-bit CPU @160MHz clock speed, computing power up to 600 DMIPS
Image Classification using Machine Learning
Can be widely used for intelligent IoT applications such as wireless video monitoring
Can run OpenCV as a standalone device
Capable of doing on-device machine learning tasks like image classification, person detection, etc
Smart home devices image upload
Edge detection
Wireless monitoring
Intelligent agriculture
QR wireless identification
Facial recognition
Video streaming web server, build a surveillance camera, take photos, face detection, and much more.
Mains/Grid Voltage (110 -380 VAC) Detection for Smart Grid Applications
Solid State Relay – 110 -380 VAC @6A for Smart City Applications
onboard BME680 for Smart Environmental/Climate Monitoring for Air Quality (VOC), Humidity, Temperature, Pressure & Altitude Monitoring
Onboard Energy Harvester – MPPT Solar Battery Charger
Solar Panel Input/Connector
Micro SD Card for data logging etc
Multiple Interrupt Sources using Port Expander
OLED Display
Gesture Sensor
individual Load/peripheral switching capability for battery conservation
Detachable SIM Module
Onboard Fuel Gauge with alarm through I2C ADC
5V/3.3V I2C PORT
USB TYPE-C Connector
Screw Terminals for Industrial Applications etc
Passive Piezo – Sound Alarm
Stepper, Servo and DC Motors drivers and many more!!

I’m sharing with you the 3D and the PCB views.
We will be giving a full product specifications and features after testing and validation.
Dr Agu Collins Agu,
IoT Systems Expert, Programmer, UnityBoard Co-Designer, and mentor to many startups/innovation hubs, is Director of Research and Development (R&D) Department, National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA).
IoT Systems Expert, Programmer, UnityBoard Co-Designer, and mentor to many startups/innovation hubs, is Director of Research and Development (R&D) Department, National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA).