By Jumanne Mtambalike

As we move into a world increasingly driven by AI and machine learning, it’s vital to ask ourselves—who controls the narrative? When my daughter asks in the future, “How many genders are there?” will the answer align with our African moral values, my Islamic spiritual beliefs, or the prevailing global biases embedded in technology?

RELATED: Big Data, collaboration and the future of Africa’s innovation, by Sahara Sparks’ JumanneRajabu Mtambalike

Today, Africa accounts for less than 0.5% of global contributions to machine learning and large language models. This imbalance raises urgent questions about inequality and the loss of cultural identity. My greatest fear is not just economic exclusion, but a dilution of our societal values in a world shaped by AI systems designed elsewhere, perpetuating what some term the “New Jim Code.”

The “New Jim Code” refers to how AI can reinforce existing biases, marginalizing underrepresented voices. If Africa doesn’t actively engage, we risk becoming consumers of technologies that don’t reflect who we are or where we come from.

Africa must demand a seat at the table, and here’s how:

✅ Invest in AI skills for our youth—Empowering the next generation to be creators, not just users, of technology.
✅ Advance AI research—Local research hubs need to drive innovation tailored to African realities.
✅ Build AI infrastructure—We must invest in the systems and tools that allow AI to thrive in our unique context.
✅ Participate in global discussions—Africa needs a unified voice in shaping global AI governance.
✅ Promote local AI solutions—Homegrown innovations addressing Africa’s challenges must be scaled globally.
✅ Collaborate regionally—Strength in unity—African nations must work together to advocate for inclusive AI standards.
✅ Harness African data—Our data is a goldmine for AI solutions that can transform sectors like agriculture, healthcare, and finance.

What does the future of AI in Africa look like to you? What are your biggest fears and most exciting opportunities?


Let’s spark a conversation about Africa’s role in shaping the AI revolution

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